Monday, May 15, 2017

Weekly Update May 15-19

Hello, It’s hard to believe that it’s the last full week of school.  A few more short weeks and then summer will be here!  Please check at home for field trip forms, family night forms, and field day forms and return them as soon as possible! Also, remember if you aren’t able to make it the whole day for our field trip, you are welcome to join us for lunch at Horseshoe Park. If you have any questions about any of the end of year events please let me know.  

If anyone has any box tops please turn them in by Friday, June 2nd.

Upcoming Events:

5/22-Family Night 6:00-7:00
5/26 & 5/29-No School
5/31-Walking Field Trip
6/6- Field day
6/7-Last Day!  ½ day of school!

End of Year Dress Up Days
G 5/30 Go Team! Wear your favorite sports gear
O 5/31 Odd/crazy sock day
O 6/1 Orange Colors
D 6/2 Dads and moms (dress like your parents)

B 6/5 Backwards clothes day
Y 6/6 You’re so bright (wear sunglasses)
E 6/7 Extra bright clothes

Reading: We just finished up our nonfiction unit. Students have become experts about so many topics. This week we are starting our last unit, Reading and Role-Playing: Fairy Tales, Folktales, Fables, and Fantasy. We’ll be stepping into the magical world of fairy tales, folktales, fables, and fantasy. We’ll be getting to know the characters, notice their feelings and pay attention to the settings. We’ll also be noticing the magic in these stories and noticing some of the language and vocabulary that are unique to these stories.

Writing: We are continuing to write poetry. First graders have been experimenting with sense words, using strong feelings and line breaks. This week we will be visiting poetry centers. Our centers include songs, imagery, rhythm, adding poems to our poetry binders and seeing objects with new eyes.   

Word Work: The new words this week are some, open, these, new, does. Please have your child practice these words on a regular basis. As they become fluent with them, it’s helps them with their reading and writing.

Math:  We will be taking our unit 7 assessment today. Next we will be spending some time on True and False equations, and understanding what the equal sign means.
Example: 7+5=8+3   True or False

Content: We are continuing to learn about communities. We’ll be starting our centers this week. We’ll be learning more about maps, community helpers, and  buildings in a community using books, Pebblego and other hands on materials.

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