The Penny War for the Romenesko's is off to a great start. There was A LOT of money brought in already today! NDLC families ROCK!
To end the week, we are going to have a "wear lime green" day to show support for Timmy and all children struggling with Lymphoma.
Thanks for all your support.
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, October 18th-Grandparents and Goodies Family Night, 6:00-7:00 PM
Red Ribbon Week Oct 24-Oct 26-During the week we will be joining many other schools and communities throughout the nation to celebrate RED RIBBON WEEK…a week dedicated to celebrating a healthy and drug free life!
All Kaukauna schools will be participating in various activities that promote drug free living. Students will participate in several dress-up days to raise awareness of the importance of living a drug free life! The elementary dress-up days are as follows:
Mon. Oct. 24th Wear "Red, White, and Blue”
…I Elect to be Drug Free!!
Tues. Oct. 25th Wear “Active Wear/Sweats”
…Stay active and be drug free!!
Wed. Oct. 26th….District Wide “RED DAY”
…Unite against drugs!!
Thursday, October 27 & Friday October 28th-No School for Students
Reading: We’ve just started our new unit, Word Detectives! On Thursday we received a “Top Secret” message asking us if we were up for the challenge of being word detectives by the Super Secret Detective Agency. Of course we decided we were! Each day we have been receiving secret missions. Mission 1 was word detectives are always on the lookout. They notice when there’s a problem and stop to solve it right away. Mission 2 was word detectives look CLOSELY to get clues and make sure to look across the WHOLE word. This week our missions will include: using everything we know to solve problems, doing a s-l-o-w check when trying to figure out a word we think we know, using our partners to help each other as we read together. If we complete all these missions successfully we will receive a word detective badge! Students are super excited for these missions!
Writing: We are finishing up our Small Moments unit. On Monday we edited our writing to make sure it was readable. We checked our spaces, spelling using the word wall and everything we know about letters and sound, and punctuation and endmarks. Today we fancied up our writing and tomorrow we will be having our celebration. On Thursday we will be starting How-To writing. This is procedural writing in which we teach our reader how to do something we know how to do well. This week we will be generating ideas by thinking about things you care about and what you could teach a reader about these things. We’ll also think of friends and family members and what we can teach them. We’ll work on planning our how-tos across pages and acting them out with our partner. We have new folders for this information writing. A note and folders are coming home today. Please return them as soon as you have a chance to decorate them.
Word Work: Our word wall words this week are: in, see, to, went, like. We will be assessing these words on Friday. Some fun ways to practice them are writing them in shaving cream on cookie sheets, writing them in the air, clapping them as you spell them, or tracing over words with different colors or markers. We will also be spending time each week work on phonics skills specific to each student’s developmental level.
Math: This week in math we are working on the counting on strategy. Students should see that it is more efficient to count on starting with the larger number in the equation. We will also learn a new game with flash cards to help us practice addition equations up to 10. At the end of the week we will move into subtraction and use pictures to represent subtraction equations. A reminder that the math worksheets that come home on Tuesdays are just for practice at home.
Content: Our aquariums and terrariums are brimming with life. This week we will be studying what is happening in our aquariums and terrariums and recording our observations. We’re excited to share our habitats with you on Friday at 2:30 p.m.!
As always if you have any questions, let me know!
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