Happy Fall Y’all ! You may have noticed your first grader checking
out leaves a little closer over the past few days. We have been a doing a mini
Autumn study in our room and are working on identifying leaves. We are displaying the “pretty” leaves in our
classroom and sharing them during Morning Meeting.
Reminder: Some students have not had snacks during snack time. We have snack every afternoon and we do not have extras in the classroom. Thanks!
Tomorrow! Oct. 14th-Yoga- Mrs. McEneany will be leading us in yoga
at the end of the day. Wear comfy clothes!
Oct. 16th-Math
Morning 7:30-8:15 AM Ryan
Flessner, our math consultant from Butler, will be presenting information about
math instruction.
20th-Grandparents and Goodies Family Night-Please RSVP if you haven't and are
Oct. 23 &
24-No School Enjoy
the long weekend!
Red Ribbon
Red Ribbon Week is
an alcohol, tobacco and other drug and violence prevention awareness campaign
observed annually in October in the United States.
Tues. Oct.
27th....no sweat being drug free...wear sweats
Wed. Oct. 28th....Red Day
Thurs. Oct. 29th...drug free is double the fun....twinning
Fri. Oct. 30th...we're the ghosts. ..say BOO to drugs....wear orange and black!
Workshop: This week
we will be focusing on using specific word solving strategies when coming to
tricky words. Some of the strategies we will use include: readers look closely
at words by looking at chunks, rather than letter by letter, readers use blends
(bl, cl, sp), diagraphs (ch, sh, th) and endings (ed, ing) when figuring out
tricky words, and readers use word wall words as stepping stones when reading.
Workshop: This week
we are starting our How-To unit. How-to texts are procedural texts that
teach readers how to do something. We will be writing lots of books that teach
people how to do something. This week we will be focusing on thinking of
topics, rehearsing and writing lots of teaching books. Students will be
thinking of things they care about and how they could use this topic to teach
someone how to do something. For example, if a writer cares about soccer he or
she could teach a reader how to dribble the ball, how to kick a goal, how to do
a throw-in, etc. You could help your child brainstorm ideas for what he or she
could teach others by noticing activities in and outside of home!
Word Study: The words this week are: he, she,
can, play, to. We will be assessing these words on Friday. These are words we
want students to be able to read and write automatically without having to
think to sound them out.
Math Workshop: This week in math we will be focusing
on the strategy of 'counting on' when solving addition equations. A family
letter was sent home yesterday explaining the strategy. We are learning some new math games this week
to reinforce this strategy. Hopefully
you will be able to join us on Friday morning for Math Morning!
Science: This week we will be looking closely at the changes happening in our terrariums and aquariums.
Help spread the word!
New Directions Learning Community will be offering a free event
for senior citizens in the Fox Valley.
On Thursday November 5th from 8:30 – 9:15 am
seniors are welcome to visit our school.
Coffee and pastries will be served while they
learn about how school is different today than it was when they were young.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask! Have a great week!
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