Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Weekly News December 22nd

It’s a very activity filled week.  Grinch day is off to a fun start.  I’ll post pictures at the end of the day!  Tomorrow students may wear holiday colors.  I will also be sending home a reading challenge for over break.  It says to read 30 min a day on it...that would be great but 15 is plenty! We will also pack a few extra books to bring home. I hope that you all have a very relaxing break and holiday with family and friends. 

Upcoming Events:
Thursday, December 24-Sunday January 3rd-Winter Break

Curriculum Updates:
Readers' Workshop: We shared our topic research yesterday with Ms. Zobel’s class. We learned so many things about the topics we researched!

Writers' Workshop: We are finishing up our Informational Writing Unit. We will be working on opinion writing when we return from break. This unit will focus on making judgments, writing reviews and giving reasons for our opinions.

Math Workshop: This week we are continuing our work with 10s and 1s. We will be representing 2 digit numbers with drawings (tens sticks and ones circles) and number cards, and read and write numerals and number words for numbers through 20 and the decade numbers (30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90)  We also are playing a new counting game this week. 

Science/Social Studies: We will be researching reindeer tomorrow! After break we will be starting a new social studies unit, Families: Now and Long Ago.

Let me know if you have any questions! 

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